My Gardening Diary


Every year, my younger sister's school will give every student a small plant. I like this programme because it is a good way letting children learn about gardening. As I remember, in the first 3 years we throw the plant just few days after it came to our family. Started last year, I plant those small plants. 
This year, we need to plant a flower called Impatiens balsamina. You may search more in here. I am new to plant a flower, but fortunate the kind woman in the flower shop teach me a lot. And three weeks later, my sweetheart blossom! That is fanastsic!  It blossom on the first day of 2014, I swear I am not kidding you, that's true!! It blossom on 1st of Jan, 2014. I was happy and I believe that I would have a pretty good year. Haha. 
Before I started gardening ( I'm not sure if this also kind of ), I think it is dull and it is only a interest to some elderly, but soon I found out that gardening is not about to fill your boring spare time but to help to train to become more careful and patient. You can also find the joy of gardening! 
 What do you think of my Impatiens balsamina? Isn't it nice? :)

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